Very important as well, due to its role as the only location in all of Uladh continent with ore deposits.Coill - Located far northwest of Emain Macha, Coill dungeon is VERY similar in appearance to Fiodh.Coill is, like Fiodh, a natural greenery dungeon. Although it is a medium risk dungeon, the money rewards at the end are fairly ample. This dungeon hosts the Paladin passive defense dungeon.Rundal - Located east of Emain Macha, the Rundal dungeon is fairly popular with higher level characters.Even at its normal level, the dungeon is low risk/high reward. Yet this is no longer the case with its higher level dungeons, which become a threat to even skilled party groups.Peaca - Located in the northwestern part of Sen Mag, the Peaca dungeon is the hardest and longest dungeon.Monsters have advance skills and very high stats.

High Defense and Protection monsters renders most everyone's damage into single or double digits.Ciar Pet Dungeon - The only dungeon for pets, which is available from 4/6/11-4/16/11.As this is the only dungeon for pets, this is the bast area to train as of no weak mob bonuses, or camping bonuses. Located at the same place as ciar for humans, you need to talk to the weird cat to get the pass to do the dungeon. Note: The ratings given are approximations and serve only as a guideline. The dungeon's difficulty and feasibility ultimately depends on the player's skills/experience, character skill ranks/stats and connection quality.Pass = Easiest place to hunt for a pass, it is assumed that one is trying to find the pass ASAP.