Virtual spaces also make it possible to see what others are working on at any given moment or view where they are. Virtual coworking spaces still allow for privacy, and etiquette requires others to knock on doors before entering a virtual office.

Just pressing a button lets you interact with others, and you can view the virtual map to see where everyone is at a given moment in time. With a virtual space, you get the same feeling even if you are working from home. With a physical coworking space, you actually have people around you, so you do not feel lonely during the workday. Many of the benefits associated with online-first or online-only coworking spaces are very similar to those of physical spaces. Benefits of Virtual and Online Coworking Spaces You do, however, virtually sit at a specific desk in the virtual floorplan, go to virtual locations like phone booths and meeting rooms, and get to interact with others in a virtual setting. With a virtual coworking space, you work from wherever you are, such as your home, so you do not physically sit in the space or get access to amenities. In most coworking spaces, you physically go to the space to get work done, then sit at a desk and interact with people throughout the day, enjoying amenities like coffee and printing. Comparing Virtual and Current Coworking Spaces